Thank you for all of those who contacted me about National Development Management Policies.
I understand that the proposed reforms to our planning system are a matter of great significance to many people, and rightfully so. Planning directly impacts the heart of our communities, from the places we call home to the schools our children attend.
I support the Government's proposal to introduce a set of National Development Management Policies that would outline nationally a range of planning considerations that apply regularly in decision making across England or significant parts of it. This approach would assist local authorities in creating more streamlined and locally focused plans, eliminating unnecessary duplication of universally applicable policies. I believe there can be no doubt about the benefits of putting important national policies, such as protections for the Green Belt and general policies for conserving heritage assets, on a statutory footing.
However, I agree that these reforms should be implemented with careful consideration for the views of communities nationwide. I am reassured to learn that the Government will conduct a comprehensive public consultation on the draft policies, building upon the initial feedback already received through consultations on the principles of National Development Management Policies. It is important to note that the existing National Planning Policy Framework, which provides planning guidance to local authorities in England, already includes development management policies of this nature. These policies hold significant weight as "material considerations" when assessing planning applications.
Ministers have been clear that National Development Management Policies would not undermine local policies that shape development or direct the allocation of land for specific uses during the plan-making process. These decisions will continue to be the responsibility of locally produced plans. Like you, I strongly support the crucial role played by local plans in the planning system and the need to prioritise local voices in development. I view these reforms as an important way of speeding up the process of creating a local plan and ensuring that more communities can benefit from the protections provided by having a local plan in place.
I hope this explanation clarifies why I am confident that the introduction of National Development Management Policies represents a significant step towards establishing a genuinely plan-led system for development, facilitating clearer decision-making processes.
Thank you again for taking the time to contact me.