Health and Social Care

Ensuring that constituents receive the best Health and Adult Social Care for their needs, has been a huge priority for me since my election in 2015. With a proportion of elderly constituents way above the national average, I speak regularly in Parliament as to the needs of the constituency. In East Sussex, our local NHS and County Council teams have taken the bold step to move their health and social care budgets together to ensure that the money is following the patient. This ‘Better Together’ programme should mean fewer hospital stays and faster discharges. My support for this programme, and the other changes being made nationally and locally, features heavily in all that I say and do on this subject.  Please do let me know if you wish to share your experience of Health and Social Care provision (be this positive or negative). 


Plans to tackle the issue of social care

Parliament is back from its summer recess. I’ve had a positive summer, visiting our hardworking Parish and Town Councillors and Clerks to discuss the various challenges and projects which I can help with in Westminster and from home.

Huw Speaks in Social Care Debate

It has been a pleasure for us to sit here for the past four hours and exercise by seeking to catch your eye, Madam Deputy Speaker, no doubt contributing towards alleviating our future social care needs.

Huw Merriman Visits Hospice in the Weald’s Cottage Hospice

On Friday 25th October Huw Merriman, MP for Bexhill and Battle, visited the Cottage Hospice site in Five Ashes (part of his constituency), near Mayfield, with Rob Woolley, Chief Executive, and Holly Cowen, Head of Cottage Hospice.